Nu-mi vine sa cred ca am terminat-o!!!Dupa aventurile extrem de interesante din City of Fallen Angels am fost curios sa vad cum anume va continua povestea de dragoste dintre Clary si Jace.Asa ca nu am putut astepta pana ce urma sa fie publicata la noi in tara.Am cumparat-o si imediat ce am terminat cu examenele de evaluare nationala la matematica si romana,m-am apucat de ea.A trecut exact o saptamana de atunci.
I.Rezumat(SPOILER ALERT!!!):
Dupa cum stiti la finalul volumului patru,Jace dispare misterios si odata cu el si cadavrul lui Sebastian,care e viu si planuieste ceva malefic.
Viata lui Clary a fost data complet data peste cap.Nu vrea sa accepte ca ,poate iubitul ei a murit.Dar este socata cand descopera ca Jace nu a fost rapit de Sebastian-asa cum credea ea-ci a mers de buna voie alaturi de el.Curand va afla ca imediat ce ea l-a parasit intre Jace si Sebastian s-a creat o legatura puternica.Atat de puternica incat daca Sebastian moare,Jace moare si viceversa.
Asa ca eroina noastra va incerca sa-l salveze chiar cu pretul propriei vieti.Va calatori alaturi de ei prin Praga,Paris si Venetia in incercarea de a aduce la suprafata adevaratul Jace,cel pe care l-a iubit intotdeauna si inca-l iubeste.Dar,lucrurile sunt mai rele decat par pentru ca Sebastian nu are incredere in ea si se astepta sa fie injunghiat pe la spate in orice moment.
Ce poate insemna asta?Ei bine,Clary e nevoita sa se apropie din ce in ce mai mult de fratele ei si sa descopere toate tainele intunecate din sufletul lui tenebros.Insa,cu fiecare lucru pe care il afla se simte din ce in ce mai apropiata de Sebastian si incepe sa-l creada.Sa fie de partea lui.
Intre timp,la New York prietenii ei:Simon,Isabelle,Alec si Magnus incearca sa gaseasca o arma care sa-l separe pe Jace de Sebastian.O arma pe care doar Raiul sau Iadul o pot oferi.E dispus unul dintre ei sa renunte la tot ce a avut pentru a face o intelegere cu ingerii sau demonii?
O poveste captivanta,care te tine cu sufletul la gura,plina de intorsaturi de situatie.Sange.Tradare.Iubire si Razbunare in cea mai noua carte a Cassandrei Clare.Sunteti pregatiti sa vedeti cum Sebastian va arde lumea Vanatoriilor de Umbre din temelii?
Ar fi cazul,pentru ca lucrurile devin din ce in ce mai intunecate!
II.Despre personaje:
Am adorat-o inca din prima carte si nu pot spune ca sunt dezamagit de ea in acest nou volum.Imi place ca este puternica si stie ca dragostea merita orice sansa,orice risc,chiar daca uneori acele riscuri pot duce la moarte.
A fost foarte ciudat sa-l vad atat de loial fata de Sebastian avand in vedere ca stiam cat de mult il ura in celelalte carti.Ma bucur ca mai are unele momente in care revine la vechiul Jace pentru ca am simtit ceva in neregula cand era ca un catelus.Chiar daca este puternic din punct de vedere fizic se pare ca nu sta atat de puternic psihic pentru ca este personajul de care cei rai se folosesc mereu:Valentine,Sebastian si apoi Lilith.

Personajul negativ care in celelalte volume imi producea frisoane pe sirea spinarii a devenit destul de captivant.E clar ca tipul nu e intreg la minte,dar cred ca actiunea nu ar fi la fel fara el.Intotdeauna am considerat ca personajele negative sunt fascinante dar acesta a fost extraordinar.
Mi-a placut faptul ca Jace si Sebastian sunt prezentati intr-o continua antiteza in mintea lui Clary si cred ca asta arata ca inca mai are incredere in Jace,ca ea cred ca mai exista o sansa pentru a-l salva.

“The demon Lilith has been destroyed and Jace has been freed from her captivity. But when the Shadowhunters arrive to rescue him, they find only blood and broken glass. Not only is the boy Clary loves missing–but so is the boy she hates, Sebastian, the son of her father Valentine: a son determined to succeed where their father failed, and bring the Shadowhunters to their knees.
No magic the Clave can summon can locate either boy, but Jace cannot stay away—not from Clary. When they meet again Clary discovers the horror Lilith’s dying magic has wrought—Jace is no longer the boy she loved. He and Sebastian are now bound to each other, and Jace has become what he most feared: a true servant of Valentine’s evil. The Clave is determined to destroy Sebastian, but there is no way to harm one boy without destroying the other. Will the Shadowhunters hesitate to kill one of their own?
Only a small band of Clary and Jace’s friends and family believe that Jace can still be saved — and that the fate of the Shadowhunters’ future may hinge on that salvation. They must defy the Clave and strike out on their own. Alec, Magnus, Simon and Isabelle must work together to save Jace: bargaining with the sinister Faerie Queen, contemplating deals with demons, and turning at last to the Iron Sisters, the reclusive and merciless weapons makers for the Shadowhunters, who tell them that no weapon on this earth can sever the bond between Sebastian and Jace. Their only chance of cutting Jace free is to challenge Heaven and Hell — a risk that could claim any, or all, of their lives.
And they must do it without Clary. For Clary has gone into the heart of darkness, to play a dangerous game utterly alone. The price of losing the game is not just her own life, but Jace’s soul. She’s willing to do anything for Jace, but can she even still trust him? Or is he truly lost? What price is too high to pay, even for love?
Love.Blood.Betrayal.Revenge.Darkness threatens to claim the Shadowhunters in the harrowing fifth book of the Mortal Instruments series.”
IV.Legatura dintre Instrumente Mortale si Dispozitive Infernale: ''Being a Silent Brother is life, Clary Fray. But if you mean I remember my life before the Brotherhood, I do.
Clary took a deep breath. “Were you ever in love? Before the Brotherhood? Was there ever anyone you would have died for?”
There was a long silence. Then:
Two people, said Brother Zachariah. There are memories that time does not erase, Clarissa. Ask your friend Magnus Bane, if you do not
believe me. Forever does not make loss forgettable, only bearable.''

Ei bine,a fost foarte dragut in aceasta carte.Oficial a devenit unul dintre personajele mele favorite dupa Clary.Sper sa aiba parte de o relatie frumoasa de dragoste cu Isabelle si sa supravietuiasca volumului final.
Magnus si Alec:
Am ajuns sa-mi placa si povestea lor de dragoste chiar daca este una cam ciudata.Imi pare rau ca Alec nu reuseste sa se increada suficient in Magnus si ca apeleaza la ajutorul lui Camille-in care nu am avut deloc incredere.
No magic the Clave can summon can locate either boy, but Jace cannot stay away—not from Clary. When they meet again Clary discovers the horror Lilith’s dying magic has wrought—Jace is no longer the boy she loved. He and Sebastian are now bound to each other, and Jace has become what he most feared: a true servant of Valentine’s evil. The Clave is determined to destroy Sebastian, but there is no way to harm one boy without destroying the other. Will the Shadowhunters hesitate to kill one of their own?
Only a small band of Clary and Jace’s friends and family believe that Jace can still be saved — and that the fate of the Shadowhunters’ future may hinge on that salvation. They must defy the Clave and strike out on their own. Alec, Magnus, Simon and Isabelle must work together to save Jace: bargaining with the sinister Faerie Queen, contemplating deals with demons, and turning at last to the Iron Sisters, the reclusive and merciless weapons makers for the Shadowhunters, who tell them that no weapon on this earth can sever the bond between Sebastian and Jace. Their only chance of cutting Jace free is to challenge Heaven and Hell — a risk that could claim any, or all, of their lives.
And they must do it without Clary. For Clary has gone into the heart of darkness, to play a dangerous game utterly alone. The price of losing the game is not just her own life, but Jace’s soul. She’s willing to do anything for Jace, but can she even still trust him? Or is he truly lost? What price is too high to pay, even for love?
Love.Blood.Betrayal.Revenge.Darkness threatens to claim the Shadowhunters in the harrowing fifth book of the Mortal Instruments series.”
Clary took a deep breath. “Were you ever in love? Before the Brotherhood? Was there ever anyone you would have died for?”
There was a long silence. Then:
Two people, said Brother Zachariah. There are memories that time does not erase, Clarissa. Ask your friend Magnus Bane, if you do not
believe me. Forever does not make loss forgettable, only bearable.''
pag 401:
"Unhappy?"He shook his head."I was lucky.So,so lucky.And I couldn't see it."His eyes met hers."I love you,"he said."And you make me happier than I ever thought I could be.And now that I know what it's like to be someone else-to lose myself-I want my life back.My family.You.All of it."His eyes darkened."I want it back."
pag 523:
"I fell in love with you,"he said,"because you were one of the bravest people I'd ever known.So could I ask you to stop being brave because I loved you?"He ran his hands throught his hair,making it stick up in loops and curls that Clary ached to smooth down."You came for me,"he said."You saved me when almost everyone else had given up,and even the people who hadn't given up didn't know what to do."
VI.Moving image:
In Book 6: City of Heavenly Fire, Jace, Clary and their friends are drawn inexorably into a war that pits Heaven against Hell, angels against demons—a war that threatens to destroy our world entirely if the Shadowhunters can't end it first.
DATA DE APARITIE:Septembrie 2014
Mi-a placut enorm aceasta carte si o recomand tuturor celor care doresc sa descopere o poveste de dragoste terifianta asemenea unui carusel,cu multe urcusuri si coborasuri.Un roman care nu poate fi lasat din mana si care cu siguranta te va fascina.
Sper ca am reusit sa va conving ca aceasta carte merita cumparata si citita.Daca da,astept parerile voastre la aceasta carte intr-un comentariu dupa ce ati citi-o pentru a-mi marturisi daca a fost la fel de buna pe cat va asteptati.O carte de nota 10!!!
Nu puteti rata un nou episod din aventurile Vantorilor de Umbre!
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