10 sept. 2012

Vreau sa vad...la cinema!/I want to see...at the cinema!:)

For my Romainian Readers:

Ce mai faceti?Eu in ultima vreme nu prea am mai avut pofta de citit,dar de cand am inceput primul volum din seria Dune de Frank Herbert,lucrurile s-au mai schimbat.Pur si simplu ii devorez cartile.Dar,in timpul unei pauze de cateva zile intre primul si al doilea volum al seriei m-am gandit sa va fac o recomandare de film.I-am descoperit trailerul pe Yahoo Movies si de atunci sunt sigur ca vreau sa-l vad.Subiectul lui chiar se potriveste blogului pentru ca e vorba despre carti.

For my International Readers:
What are you doing?In the last period of time I wasn't in the mood of reading,but since I started the first volume in the Dune series by Frank Herbert,things changed.Now,I am devorating the books.But,in the time of a break between the first and the second volume of the series I thought that it would be fun to make you a movie recomandation.I discoverd it's trailer on Yahoo Movies and since then I know for sure that I want to see it.The movies's subject fits on this blog cause is about books.

Deci,cum vi se pare?Va astept comentariile.Filmul a aparut in SUA pe 7 septembrie anul acesta si sper sa apara si la noi in cinematografe!:)
So,what do you think about it?Waiting for your comments.The movie appeared in 7 september this year and I hope will come in our country too!:)

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Fiecare gând e important pentru mine! =)