3 oct. 2011

Ora varcolacilor(1)

In cadrul acestei noi rubrici voi posta despre serii cu varcolaci pe care as vrea sa le citesc,dar nu-mi permite timpul.In schimb,voi puteti.Sper ca va place aceasta noua rubrica pentru ca o am de mult timp in minte.

Seria Nightshade de Andreea Cremer
Volumul 1-Nightshade

Descrierea cartii(in engleza):
Calla Tor has always known her destiny: After graduating from the Mountain School, she'll be the mate of sexy alpha wolf Ren Laroche and fight with him, side by side, ruling their pack and guarding sacred sites for the Keepers. But when she violates her masters' laws by saving a beautiful human boy out for a hike, Calla begins to question her fate, her existence, and the very essence of the world she has known. By following her heart, she might lose everything- including her own life. Is forbidden love worth the ultimate sacrifice?

Descrierea cartii(in romana):
Calla Tor si-a stiut dintotdeauna destinul:dupa ce absolvă Mountain School,ea va fi perechea lupului alpha sexy Ren Laroche,alaturi de care va lupta si va conduce haita respectand regulile impuse de haita si vor proteja locurile sacre ale Pastratorilor(Keepers).Dar cand incalca regulile sefului ei prin salvarea unui baiat frumos care mergea in excursie,Cala incepe sa-si puna intrebari despre soarta si existenta ei si esenta lumii din care va face parte.Urmandu-si inima ar putea pierde totul-inclusiv viata.Merita iubirea interzisa sacrificiul suprem?

Volumul 2-Wolfsbane

Descrierea cartii(in engleza):
When Calla Tor wakes up in the lair of the Searchers, her sworn enemies, she’s certain her days are numbered. But then the Searchers make her an offer—one that gives her the chance to destroy her former masters and save the pack—and the man—she left behind. Is Ren worth the price of her freedom? And will Shay stand by her side no matter what? Now in control of her own destiny, Calla must decide which battles are worth fighting and how many trials true love can endure and still survive.

Descrierea cartii(in romana):
Cand Calla Tor sa trezeste in adapostul Cautatorilor,dusmanii ei prin juramant,zilele de viata ii sunt numarate.Dar Cautatorii ii fac o oferta-una care ii da ocazia sa-si distruga seful si sa salveze haita-si omul-pe care la lasat in urma.Este Ren la fel de important ca libertatea ei?Si va sta Shay alaturi de ea fara nicio exitare?Acum,ca are controlul asupra propriului destin,Calla,trebuie sa decida care batalii merita sa le duca si cate incercari poate indura dragostea adevarata.

Volumul 3-Bloodrose

Descrierea cartii(in engleza):
The Ultimate Sacrifice.

Calla has always welcomed war. But now that the final battle is upon her, there’s more at stake than fighting. There’s saving Ren, even if it incurs Shay’s wrath. There’s keeping Ansel safe, even if he’s been branded a traitor. There’s proving herself as the pack’s alpha, facing unnamable horrors, and ridding the world of the Keepers’ magic once and for all. And then there’s deciding what to do when the war ends. If Calla makes it out alive, that is.

In the final installment of the Nightshade trilogy, New York Times bestselling author Andrea Cremer creates a novel with twists and turns that will keep you on the edge of your seat until its final pages. A dynamic end to this breathtaking trilogy

Descrierea cartii(in romana):
Ultimul sacrificiu

Calla a urat "bun venit" razboiului.Dar acum ca batalia finala este asupra ei,exista mai multe lucruri in joc.Salvarea lui Ren,chiar daca trebuie sa suporte mania lui Shay.Sa-l pastreze in siguranta pe Ansel,in conditiile in care el a fost un tradator.Si sa se decida ce va face dupa ce se va incheia razboiul.Daca scapa cu viata,bineinteles.

 In finalul trilogiei the Nightshade,New York Times bestselling author Andrea Cremer creaza o poveste cu intorsaturi de situatie care te va tine in suspans pana la ultima pagina.O incheiere dramatica pentru aceasta trilogie.

2 comentarii:

parca seria asta trebuia sa apara si la noi..sau ma rog, o sa apara ( cat de curand, sper eu)

@ioana alexandra,daca ar aparea as incepe sa sar de bucurie!

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