V-am promis ca voi reveni cu un nou interviu si m-am gandit ca Megan Crewe ar fi foarte potrivita din moment ce cartile ei sunt foarte citite la noi in tara.Vreti sa vedeti despre ce e vorba?Citit interviul de mai jos,acordat in exclusivitate blogului Dragosh Angel for a book.
In romana:
1.Ce te-a inspiat sa scrii cartea"Mai las-o moale cu fantomele"?A fost ceva in viata ta care te-a facut sa te gandesti la fantome?
"Mai las-o moale cu fantomele"a inceput cu o imagine care mi-a intrat in cap,a unei fete care avea o conversatie normala cu sora ei,cu o singura exceptie,sora ei era o fantoma.Am crezut ca ar fi interesant sa scriu despre un personaj care e prieten cu fantomele si ii place ca le poate vedea,in loc sa-i fie frica de ele.
2.Esti o scriitoare foarte buna si am vrea sa stim cand ai inceput sa scrii povesti?Despre ce erau ele?
Scriu povesti de cand eram foarte tanara.Cand eram un copil,imi placea sa scriu despre animale-in special despre pisici-si aventuri magice.Intotdeauna mi-au placut povestile cu persoanje care nu erau tocmai reale!
3.Ce parere ai despre copiii care nu citesc si care prefera sa se uita la filmul facut dupa o carte decat sa o citeasca?Nu e trist daca esti o autoare de carti?
Ei bine,inteleg ca toti avem interese diferite.Uneori si eu prefer sa ma uit la un film decat sa citesc cartea(Nu chiar foarte des!).Nu consider ca e o problema ca unele persoane considera cititul ca pe o sarcina si nu ca pe distractie.Cred ca daca copiilor li s-ar da cartile pe care vor sa le citeasca si nu pe care trebuie sa le citeasca si nu vor,ei ar putea sa descopere pana la urma ca le plac cartile.Dar odata ce ajungi sa te gandesti la carti ca la obiecte plictisitoare din care esti fortat sa inveti pentru scoala,e greu sa-ti schimbi parerea.
4.Vei publica anul aceste o carte care se numeste "The Way We Fall".Cum este?Ne poti spune despre ce este vorba?E la fel de buna ca si "Give Up The Ghost"?
THE WAY WE FALL este despre o adolescenta care trebuie sa incerce sa-si protezeje prietenii si familia cand insula mica pe care locuiesc intra in carantina din cauza unui misterios virus mortal.E scrisa sub forma unui jurnal al personajului principal.Puteti citi primele 30 de pagini din carte aici: (http://megancrewe.com/twwf/excerpt.html )
5.Dupa The Way We Fall care e urmatorul tau proiect?
THE WAY WE FALL este prima carte dintr-o trilogie,asa ca vor fi inca doua carti despre Kaelyn.Deja am terminat de scris cartea a doua(titlul inca nu este confirmat) si va fi revizuita de editorul meu curand.Mai am de asemenea si cateva carti de adulti la care am lucrat,dar despre care nu pot spune inca nimic.Una e horror si una fantasy.
6.Cartea ta a fost publicata in tara noastra anul acesta la editura Leda,ce vrei sa le spui fanilor tai din Romania?
Vreau sa multumesc entuziasmului de care dau dovata cititorii si bloggerii romani!Ma simt asa de bine sa primesc e-mailuri de la voi in care sa-mi spuneti ca v-a placut cartea.Cred ca primesc mai multe e-mailuri de la cititorii din Romania decat de la cei din America.Sper din tot sufletul ca THE WAY WE FALL va fi publicata de asemenea in Romania.Daca v-ar placea s-o citit puteti trimite un email editurii in care sa spuneti ca vreti cartea si poate ca o vor lua.
7.Care a fost cartea ta favorita in copilarie si care e acum?
Cartea mea favorita cand am fost copil a fost THE CHANGELING by Zilpha Keatley Snyder.Nu e o carte foarte cunoscuta,dar mi-a placut.E vorba despre o fata timida care devine cea mai buna prietena a unei fete curajoase si creative.Ele trec prin multe aventuri frumoase si fantastice!La final fata timida invata sa fie curajoasa.
In momentul de fata imi plac foarte multe carti si ar fi foarte greu sa aleg una singura care imi place.Imi plac foarte multe!Favorita mea din toate timpurile este THE PRINCESS BRIDE by William Goldman,care este mai buna decat filmul excelent si foarte amuzant.
8.Personajul mitoligoc favorit...
Loki din mitologia nordica.Sper sa apara intr-o carte de a mea candva.
9.In incheierea acestui interviu,ce ai vrea sa le pui parintilor nostri despre cartile fantasy?
Desi in cartile urban fantasy apar personaje care nu exista sunt despre cum se simt adolescentii in viata reala.Sunt doar moduri diferite de a puncta problema,dar intr-un mod pe care cititorii il gasesc mai interesant.
Multumesc pentru acest interviu!
In engleza:
1.What inspired you to write Give Up The Ghost?Was there something in your life that make you think at ghosts?
GIVE UP THE GHOST started with an image that popped into my head, of a girl having a normal conversation with her sister, except her sister was a ghost. I thought it'd be interesting to write about a character who is friends with ghosts, and likes that she can see them, instead of being scared of them.
2.You are a very good writer and we would like to know when did you started to write stories?About what wore them?
I've been writing stories since I was very young. When I was a kid, I liked to write about animals--especially cats--and magical adventures. I've always liked stories about things that aren't totally real!
3.What do you think about the children who are not reading and they prefer to watch the movie and to not read the book?Isn't it sad for a author of books?
Well, I understand that everyone has different interests. Sometimes I feel more like watching a movie than reading a book! (Though, not very often.) I do think it's sad that so many people think of reading as work instead of fun. I think if kids were given books that appeal to them, and not forced to read books that don't, they might find they enjoy books after all. But once you get used to thinking of books as only boring things you have to get through for school, it's hard to change your mind.
4.You will publish this year a ney book called The Way We Fall.How is it?Can you tell us something about it?Will be us good us Give Up The Ghost?
THE WAY WE FALL is about a teenage girl who has to try to protect her family and friends when her small island is quarantined because of a mysterious deadly virus. It's told in journal entries written by the main character, Kaelyn. You can read the first 30 pages on my website if you'd like! (http://megancrewe.com/twwf/excerpt.html )
I think it's better than GIVE UP THE GHOST, because I think my writing gets better as I write more stories, but it's also a different sort of story. People who like ghost stories and don't like virus stories will probably still like GHOST better. ;)
5.After The Way We Fall what is your next project?
THE WAY WE FALL is the first book in a trilogy, so there will be two more books about Kaelyn. I've already written Book 2 (title not yet confirmed) and will be revising it with my editor soon. I also have a couple of other unrelated young adult books that I've been working on, but I can't say much about those yet! One is horror and the other is fantasy.
6.Your book was been published this year in our country by the house of publishing Leda,what do you want to say at your romainian fans?
I'd like to say that I am so thankful for the enthusiasm and interest of the Romanian readers and bloggers! It makes me so happy to get e-mails from you and to know that you're enjoying the book. I think I hear from Romanian fans even more than US fans! I'm really hoping that THE WAY WE FALL will be published in Romania too. If you'd like to see it, you can write to the publisher and let them know, and that might encourage them to pick it up.
7.What was your favorite book when you were a child and which is now?
My favorite book when I was a child was THE CHANGELING by Zilpha Keatley Snyder. It's not a very well known book, but I loved it. It's about a shy girl who becomes best friends with a very creative and brave girl, and they have lots of adventures, making up stories together and facing the mean girls at school. By the end, the shy girl has learned how to be just as brave. :)
Right now it would be really hard for me to pick just one favorite. I love so many! One of my all-time faves is THE PRINCESS BRIDE by William Goldman, which is even better than the very excellent movie, and very funny.
8.The favorite mithological character is...?
Loki, from Norse mythology. I hope to have him in one of my books some day!
9.In the end of this interview,what would you like yo say about urban fantasy books to our parents?
I would say that even though urban fantasy books seem to be about made-up things that don't exist, they're also about how real teenagers feel in real life. It's just different ways of looking at the same sorts of problems, but in a way lots of readers find more interesting.
6 comentarii:
Interesant interviu!:)
Ma bucur ca-ti place!Stai sa vezi ce surpriza voi dezvalui maine.
Interesant interviul...am citit si eu "Mai las-o moale cu fantomele" si este intradevar o carte frumoasa.
@oanna,ma bucur ca-ti place interviul si ca ti-a placut mai ales cartea.
Frumos intrviu, felicitari:D
@simona,ma bucur ca-ti place interviul!
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Fiecare gând e important pentru mine! =)